for Unorganized Sector Workers

Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer
  S. Bhatnagar
Correspondence Address:
B-19, Subhavna Niketan
Pitampura, Delhi-110034
Phones: 91-11-27013523, 27022243
Mobile: 9810810365
E-mail: ncccl@vsnl.net
R. Venkataramani
Sr. Advocate- Supreme Court



Invitation for the
Planning meeting of NCC-USW- Delhi on 6th November 2004 and
National Meeting on 21st November 2004 at Mumbai

Dear friends,

We had earlier invited you to participate in circulated the invitation for the National Meeting of NCC-USW held on 30th September 2004 at Chennai. A brief report of the Chennai meeting is enclosed herewith.

It is planned to hold a meeting on 6th November 2004 at 3.00 pm at the office of Mobile Crèches, DIZ Area, Sector - IV, Raza Bazar, Near Gole Market, New Delhi - 110001, Phone: 23363271. The agenda of this meeting is the formation of a Reception Committee for the unorganized sector workers Rally of 23rd March 2005.

We wish to inform you that the next national meeting of NCC-USW will be held on 21st November 2004 from 9.00 am to 12 noon at Shivaji Park , Dadar, Mumbai. This meeting will be held on the occasion of the Samta Sammelan at the concluding programme of the S. M. Joshi Birth Centenary Celebration at the Shivaji Park, Dadar, Mumbai.

Unorganized Sector Worker (Regulation of Employment & Condition of Work) Bill 2004 prepared by Tamil Nadu team of NCC-USW, was circulated before the 30th September 2004 meeting and discussed at that meeting. The various suggestions which came out at that meeting have been incorporated in the proposed draft. Shortly, a meeting on the revised Bill 2004 will be held in Delhi between 15th to 20th November 2004. The exact date and venue will be confirmed on phone in accordance with the availability of Shri T. S. Sankaran at Delhi. The proposed Bill will be further discussed at the 21st November 2004 at Mumbai and we will also be inviting suggestions from all the Central Trade Unions and other stakeholders on the proposed Bill. After incorporating all the

suggestions of Mumbai meeting and the suggestions received from Central Trade Unions
and others, the proposed Bill 2004, will be submitted to the Labour Minister of the Central Govt.

All the individuals and organizations receiving this circular are requested to send us their proposals on the comprehensive central legislation for USW to the NCC-USW. If you have not received a copy of the proposed Bill prepared by NCC-USW you are requested to obtain one from us; you may then submit your suggestions.

As part of the campaign of Unorganized Sector Workers, the NCC-USW team has participated in the following programmes to mobilize the participation of all those individuals and organizations who have been involved with the unorganized sector workers.

1. 1st to 4th October 2004 - National Convention and Rally of Indian Habitat Campaign.

2. 8th to 10th October 2004 - 2nd National Convention of the People's Right to Information at Delhi.

3. 19th October 2004 - Convention of the Employment Guarantee Act., organized by SAHMAT at Delhi- V. P. House, Rafi Marg.

In next two months NCC-USW teams will participate in the following forthcoming programme to mobilize support for NCC-USW Rally of 23rd March 2005.

1. 20th November 2004 - NCC RW meeting at 11 a.m. - Maharasthra Janata Dal office 10-C D O Barracks, Jivan Bima Marg, Opp. Yogkshem Building, Near Mantralaya Bus Stop., Churchgate, Mumbai, Phone: 022-22026781.

2. 21st November 2004 - Unorganized Sector Workers Meeting between 9 am to 12 am at Shivaji Park, Dadar, Mumbai.

3. 21st November 2004 - S. M. Joshi Birth Centenary Programme, Shivaji Park, Dadar, Mumbai.

4. 21st November 2004 - Founding convention of All India Agricultural Workers Alliance planned at Delhi.

5. 30th November 2004 - NAPM Rally on Displacement and Rehabilitation at Delhi.

6. 5th December 2004 - Peoples Dignity Rally at Delhi.
You are requested to keep us informed of the activities of different segments of unorganized sector workers in your region, participate in such meetings and inform them of the NCC-USW campaign for comprehensive social securities legislation and its impact on the life of unorganized sector workers.

Your confirmation for 21st November 2004 meeting will help us in planning the above meetings.

Accommodation has been provided at Janata Kendra, Tulshi Wadi, Tad-Deo, [To reach this place, please get down at Mumbai Central Rly. Station, then come out to the western side and Janta Kendra is just 5 minutes walk. ]

Thanking you.

Yours sincerely

Dr. Jimmi Dabhi (Subhash Bhatnagar)
Indian Social Institute Coordinator


Regular employment at a living wage is the dream and the first demand of the poor in our country. A majority of the poor in India continue to live in rural areas and depend on wage labour for their survival. Guaranteeing the right to work calls for an "Employment Guarantee Act", whereby the government is legally bound to provide work for able-bodied individuals. This would ensure not only an assured source of income but also can ensure that an individual can provide decent living conditions for self and family.

A rally would be held on 10 Dec 04 at New Delhi to sensitize the Members of Parliament of the dire need for such an important legislation for our country and also to ensure that the matter is raised and debated in the winter session of the Parliament which would commence in December.

In order to ensure that the requisite message is conveyed to the political leadership of our country, it has been decided that all constituents of NCC-USW in various states would prepare a banner with the words "EMPLOYMENT GUARANTEE NOW" boldly emblazoned on it and obtain, as many signatures as possible, on the banner, of persons from various walks of life.

The banner should reach the office of NCC-USW, New Delhi by 1 Dec 04. The minimum size of the banner should be that of a regular saree length. Any further qualification can be obtained from this office. All are requested to extend their whole hearted cooperation in this important matter.