for Unorganized Sector Workers

Justice V.R. Krishna Iyer
  S. Bhatnagar
Correspondence Address:
B-19, Subhavna Niketan
Pitampura, Delhi-110034
Phones: 91-11-27013523, 27022243
Mobile: 9810810365
E-mail: ncccl@vsnl.net
R. Venkataramani
Sr. Advocate- Supreme Court



Invitation to the
National Meeting of National Campaign Committee for Unorganized Sector Workers on
30th September 2004
at World University Service Centre, M. K. Road, Chetput, Chennai
Proceeded by Rally of construction Workers on 27th Septembver 2004
at 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm at Bharat Scouts & Guides
near Presidency College Ground
Faeing Subhash Chander Bose State at Maraa Beach
Kamraj Salai - Chennai - 600005

Gurusamy Centenary Celebratrion
"Role of Trade Union Movement in the context of Globalization
on 28th September 2004, Morning Session
at Worll University Service Center
Mayor Ramanand Das Road, Chetput, Chennai

Afternoon Session
Shankar Guha Niyogi Memorial Meeting
Discussion on National Campaign of Construction Workers

Tamil Nadu State Level sharing of
Construction Workers Campaign
with Kerala Construction Workers Representatives
and Other States and Planning of State Level Campaigns


Dear friends,

This circular is further to the earlier circular of NCC-USW dated 1st August 2004 which had reported the previous National Meeting of the unorganized sector workers and requested the individuals and organizations to observe 9th August 2004 as National Demand Day of Unorganized Sector Workers.

NCC-USW was to submitted a draft of its proposal for a Comprehensive Social Security Bill for Unorganized Sector Workers to the Union Labour Minister Shri Sis Ram Ola, but due to certain unavoidable circumstances we could not finalize discussions on various proposals which came at the National Meeting of 13-14th July 2004. A copy of the proposal was circulated by the Tamil Nadu Joint committee of Unorganized Sector Workers last week. If you have not received it, you can obtain this copy form us on e-mail or photocopy by post on request. Since it contains more then 30 pages we are not circulation proposed copy with this circular. If you have proposed your proposals for the Social Security legislation for unorganized sector workers, you are requested to send us the same immediately. We are collecting all the proposals for a 'detailed discussion' at the 30th September 2004 meeting at Chennai. if your proposals are not yet final, you can bring you proposals to the Chennai meeting but an advance information to us will help in expediting the Chennai discussions on 30th September 2004.

During last two month we received the details of Demand Day observation for Kolkatta, Pune and Delhi. we have also participated All India Agriculture Workers Alliance meeting form 1st - 4th September 2004 at Siddiqui Building, Bada Hindu Rao, Delhi. Some of the forthcoming programme in which we will also participate:
· Convention on Employment Guarantee Legislationa and the Right to work, on 19th September 2004 at Indian Institute of Public Administration ( IIPA Campus), I. P. State, New Delhi,
· On 8th October 2004, meeting of All India Agricultural Workers Alliance Partners with International Union of Food Processing, Tabacco, Plantation and Swedish Trade Union Council to discuss Globalization and Agricultural Workers.
· On 21st November 2004, All India Agricultural Alliance, Founding convention at Delhi
· National Conference of Dalit Organizations on 5th December 2004 at Ramleela Maidan, Delhi"

You are requested to keep us informed of the activities of different segments of unorganized sector workers in you region, participate in such meetings and in form then of the NCC-USW campaign for a comprehensive social securities legislation and law its impact on the life of unorganized sector workers.

You are aware that NCC-USW does not have resources to meet the travel expenses of participants. Unorganized sector workers of Tamil Nadu unit will organize accommodation at Chennai. If you can share the food expenses, we will be thankful for the help.
Your confirmation will help us in planning.

Thank you,

Yours sincerely

(Subhash Bhatnagar)