(Nirmala Sundharam Memorial-Apna Nirman Mazdoor Co-operative Society Ltd.)
   Flat No.484, Millennium Apartment, Block –C, Sector-18, Rohini, Delhi-110085
       Tele Nos: 27859158(Off), 27013523, 27022243 (Res) 9810810365 (Mob.)
     Email: domesticworkersindia@gmail.com Office Timing: 12.00 noon to 4.00 pm
Shelter home for the sick domestic workers / victims.
Provide for opening Account at Bank or Post Office for Domestic Workers.
Monitor timely and regular payment to domestic worker
Provide standards for the placement agency hostels
under “The Women’s and Children’s Institutions (Licensing) Act 1956 and Rules
Standard of Skill-Evaluation and training for Skill Upgradation
Dispute Resolution
Complain committee against the sexual harassment at workplace
Alternative vocational training, marketing system and loans etc for the domestic workers
who wants to give-up the domestic work.
For all individuals and organisations dealing with the placement of domestic workers
such as the placement agencies and the agents
the registration with the Tripartite Board of Domestic Workers will be compulsory
An individual or an organisation placing domestic workers without registration with
the Tripartite Board will be declared an illegal activity and punishable
Placement agency registered with the tripartite board will
abide by the following provisions:
(I) Placement Agency will submit daily/weekly details of all the placement done by
them with following details:
1. the real name of domestic worker
2. photo
3. full address of the native places
4. name address and photo of agent who has brought the domestic workers from native places
5. full address of the employers
6. salary, details of the work and hours of work.
(II) Placement Agency will deposit the demand draft for Rs 1000/- obtained by it from
the employer in the name of tripartite board along with Rs 100/- on behalf of the
domestic workers and Rs 100/- as its contribution per placement.
(III) Placement Agency will prescribe its fees separately by for the different services
provided by it to the employer, with the approval of the Board, such as:
1. Placement
2. Timely Replacement
3. Short stay home, in case the employer is going out or if the domestic worker is sick.
4. Health care of domestic worker etc.
(IV) Placement Agency will separately provide its fees for the different services provided by it to the domestic workers with the approval of the Board, such as:
1. Training of domestic work
2. Accommodation till placement
3. Monitoring of the working conditions at work place
4. Shelter for sick domestic worker / or in case of any other emergency
5. Health care for sick domestic workers
6. Registration of domestic workers with the Tripartite Board
7. Replacement for domestic workers who need to go home before the one year contact period
8. Arrangement to send a domestic worker home with escort arrangement
9. To safety transfer the cash of domestic workers to their families
10. Arrangement to provide alternative skill training, marketing and loan etc to the domestic workers who want to give-up the domestic work. The fees for these services should be appropriate and approved by the Board.